Póllandsferð 10. bekkinga / English reports

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10. bekkingar í Póllandi, 13.-16. október 2015

Nemendur 10. bekkjar Landakotsskóla ferðuðust til Póllands dagana 13.-16. október 2015 og gekk ferðin glimmrandi vel. Valgerður mamma Gunnhildar, sem fór með hópnum ásamt Atla, sagði þau hafa verið kurteis, fyndin, góð hvert við annað og til fyrirmyndar í alla staði.

Fyrstu viku nóvember mun Landakotsskóli taka á móti hópi pólskra ungmenna og munu þá nokkrir listamenn, ljósmyndari, myndlistamaður og rithöfundar vinna með hópnum, auk Louise, Kjartans og Atla. Í myndasafni Landakotsskóla getur að líta valdar myndir úr Póllandsferðinni.

Myndasafnið má nálgast undir valstikunni Nemendur eða með því að smella hér.

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Eftir heimkomuna hófust 10. bekkingar handa við að vinna verkefni í ensku hjá Louise, þar sem þeir skrifuðu stuttar frásagnir er tengjast Póllandsverkefninu. Hér getur að líta nokkur sýnishorn.


The international school that we visited wasn´t that much different from Landakotsskóli. It was definitely bigger than Landakotsskóli, with 300 students in all. The classroom we visited was very empty, with big white walls, large windows that opened inward and only one closet which was locked. There were only 10 students in that class, which meant that they didn´t have enough tables for everyone and so there were two rows of chairs in the back of the classroom for both Icelandic and Polish students to sit at. We had English, Physics and Math class. One thing we learned from the students was that if you wanted to leave the school grounds to go the the shop, you had to either ask a teacher to go with them or sneak out, past the caretaker. After the classes and talking and playing games, we ate lunch and said our good byes for the time being. Later on we would meet again for dinner.


When the Polish students visit Reykjavík in November we are going to visit Harpa and look behind the scenes in the concert hall, take a tour of the Reykjavík Photography Museum, and go on a library walk with Úlfhildur Dagsdóttir. We will also be meeting Andri Snær Magnússon and Guðni Th. Jóhannesson. We will be visiting Arbæjarsafnið and Hafnahús. At the end of the week we will spend the day on Viðey, where we will have a photography workshop and a writer's studio. If the weather is good, we'll be grilling hotdogs. Yum!
We will be taking a trip to Hitt húsið to make some music and going swimming in Laugarsdalslaug.