A-group keeps up with Icelandic Yule Traditions

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Never a dull moment for the International A-group in Landakotsskóli

Here are the shoes that A Group are leaving out each day for the Yule Lads to visit. For many of us, this is the first time we have been in Iceland at Christmas time so we have been learning all about the Icelandic traditions and now we’re experiencing this one for ourselves!


A-group made their own shoes for the Icelandic Yule-lads
Let's hope the kids don't get a potato in the shoe tonight

The artist and writer Brian Pilkington visited Landakotsskóli

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Brian Pilkington donated some of his drawings to Landakotsskóli

Last week Brian Pilkinton visited the school via Google Classroom. Brian is an artist, illustrator and writer and is well known for his books about the Icelandic Yule Lads. He set up a virtual drawing studio with students from the A group and the 3rd grade. The children were able to talk to him and make requests for him to draw their favourite Christmas characters. Brian made these drawings for the children and they were able to watch him work on the screen. The Icelandic students also got to practice their English, the International students now have a good understanding of Icelandic Christmas traditions.

Brian Pilkington set up a virtual drawing studio
The children asked Brian to draw their favourite Christmas characters

Brian Pilkington kom í heimsókn í alþjóðadeild Landakotsskóla

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Brian Pilkington er okkur að góðu kunnur fyrir teikningar sínar

Í síðustu viku heimsótti hinn þekkti listamaður Brian Pilkington, nemendur í 3. bekk og í A hóp. Hann teiknaði Grýlu, jólaköttinn og jólasveina í beinu streymi að ósk nemenda og fékk skólinn þrjár teikningar að gjöf sem nú prýða skólann. Fyrir utan góða teiknikennslu þá var þetta líka góð æfing í ensku fyrir íslensku nemendurna og hins vegar kennslustund í íslenskri jólamenningu fyrir alþjóðadeild!


Jenny og áhugasamir nemendur læra að teikna
Nemendur A-hóps læra af reyndum listamanni