Rauður dagur, 27. nóvember 2015

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Rauður dagur, 27. nóvember 2015

Föstudaginn 27. nóvember 2015 var aðventunni fagnað í Landakotsskóla með því að nemendur og starfsfólk klæddist rauðu. Í morgunsöng inni á sal var sungið saman og kveikt á fyrsta aðventukertinu.

Hægt er að skoða myndir sem Hera umsjónarkennari í 1. bekk tók af samsöngnum í nýju myndaalbúmi í myndasafni Landakotsskóla. Myndasafnið má nálgast undir valstikunni Nemendur eða með því að smella hér.

Heimsókn pólskra nemenda, 10.-13. nóvember 2015

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Heimsókn pólskra nemenda, 10.-13. nóvember 2015

Earlier in the month a group of students from Wroclaw, Poland came over to work with the ninth and tenth grade students in Landakotsskóli. This visit was part of the Storytelling Lab creative writing programme. During the visit the students spent time together and visited various landmarks in Reykjavík.

For more pictures that were taken during their visit, please view the photo album.

Ræðukeppni í alþjóðadeildinni

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Speech Contest, 23. November 2015

On the evening of November 23rd, the 7th-8th grade students in the International Department participated in a speech event stemming from their Public Speaking course. The topic for their speeches focused on the following question: "Who are the heroes of our generation?" Although the topic was the same for each student, the speeches ranged from emotional to historical to fictional and political. Each student brought their own unique set of talents to the event, making it a wonderful evening. We are so proud of this amazing group of orators!

For more pictures that were taken on the night, please view the photo album.